mah berberr was here for the weekend and wat a great weekend it was . he got here friday late night around midnight . got to see his sis for a lil bit and Rishi . den we jus stayed in, cooked him dinner, and jus relaxed all night . saturday was shopping day . tried gettin up early to start the day, but that didnt happen, went to NYC around 4pm . lolz . and berber dropped like $600 in about 2 hours . lolz . his thing is buyin a new pair of BAPE shoes everytime he's here . freak! lolz . but yea, jus walked around, he got pretty much everything he wanted to get, den after that headed home to spend time wit my family for a lil bit and den headed out agen to dinner wit his sister. ate at Kamegashi and walked around Newport Piers . very nice got to finally sit and have dinner wit his sis cuz we didnt get a chance to yet . so very happy bout that . after that, we jus headed home, jus stayed in bed, watched some tv, cuddled lolz, and berber got hungry agen so cooked him food agen . lolz . sunday morning, woke up, he got ready, and his sis came earlier den expected to rushed out and headed out with them to pick up Sheri at Dave's house . den dey dropped me off agen and they headed for home . -=o(
it was weird having him here for only a weekend , but it still felt perfect as hell . jus havin him in my arms, sleeping and waking up next to him, feels too damn good and i know that thats what i want forever . i can like marry this guy like rite now yo! FOREAL ! never felt more perfect in my life . missin him deeply rite now tho, but its ok, we'll be together again in like a few days . hehe . but ok , that's it for now .
oh wait naw, i hate HATERS . fukkin found out this bitch from toronto is talkin shit about me cuz he prolly wants MY boyfriend that he cant have . fukkin bitch . y do FAGS always gotta talk shit and not jus say suin up front ?? . i hate that shit . grow sum balls homie ! . all i gotta say is that my next visit to TO is gonna have some nasty nights . BITCHES !
aiight im done . lolz . i aint gonna let that ruin my beaufiful weekend . GOOD NIGHT .
i love you peter nguyen !